Monday, April 23, 2012


 There’s one thing I’m really, really good at doing:


I am the Queen of Procrastination.

But this can’t be put off any longer.

I need to go ahead and state the obvious:

Margery is taking a break. A hiatus. A sabbatical.

For an indefinite period.

I suppose I have dreaded making it official, fearing that I will lose what readership I have left.

But it is necessary and unavoidable.

A cervical disk situation is making it almost impossible for me to use my right arm (and hand) without triggering fairly severe pain and relentless, fierce muscle spasms. (Had to go to Urgent Care at UCLA last week.)

Unlike my resilient eldest child, I can’t type with only my left hand.

I have doctor’s orders to begin a new round of physical therapy as soon as I return home.

And to lay off the laptop for a while.

I have been here before, in a place of “enforced rest.”  To fight against it is frustrating and futile.

But it is always a place where much learning happens.

I look forward to sharing new lessons-learned-the-hard-way with you when I’m back.

In the meantime, please keep checking in with Hope Heals for updates. (And who knows… I may cheat a little and still post a tiny something here every now and then. Shssssh.)

I love and appreciate all of you faithful friends. Your prayers are invaluable.

One more request: Katherine faces another minor surgery this Thursday. (Vocal chord.) Please keep that procedure in your prayers.

Many, many thanks,


p.s. I need to ask for forgiveness from anyone who may have written me a sweet email in the past few weeks (months), and gotten no response. Chronic pain and sickness have contributed to my failure in this department. Please know that every single word of encouragement is a blessing for which I’m very, very grateful.


Sab·bat·i·cal [suh-bat-i-kuhl] 

*of or pertaining or appropriate to the Sabbath.

*any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.

Monday, April 9, 2012

A (Moveable) Easter Feast

Learning the significance of the meal.

Watching the Jesus movie.

Looking for Jesus...

The best part of the meal.

Details to follow...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Little Parable for Easter Week

Shout for joy to God, all the earth! 

Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious.
(Psalm 66:1-2)

There are over 300 references to praise in the Bible. Many appear in the form of imperative sentences, such as the one above.

((You= implied subject) do it.)

A command, not a hint.

Most of the time, I forget this.

I act as if it reads something more like this:

Praise God when you feel good, look good, sound good, are good. When things are going really well in your life, and in the lives of your family members. When the weather is perfect, and the day is way beyond beautiful. When you are awarded the Miss America title…win the lottery…  when all of your impossible dreams come true…

Forgetting that in all things… even the horrible and hard things… I am still called to give sacrificial thanks and praise. To cultivate a grateful heart.

My grandson (James’) parents are off on an adventure, which, I am sure, they will tell you about later.

In the meantime, he is making the grandparent rounds.

He was with us for Palm Sunday.

At first, he was enthusiastic, joining in the group dynamic of praising God in joyful assembly.

Our church is informal, so I chased the palm-brandishing cherubs down to the area in front of the pulpit. James diligently waved his palm frond as the praise band led us in joyful hosannas.

At first.

Then his mood changed. He decided he didn’t want to be there any more. He was over it.

And he did this:

The whole congregation was praising away while James pouted.

Looking at the pictures later, I recognized in them a self-portrait.

That’s me. Standing there pouting. Having a pity party about being sick for so long and having a bad back and this and that and the other.

While around me, all nature sings forth its brilliant, blooming praise to the Creator.

…the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, 
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” 
(Isaiah 55:12)


Dear Lord,
As I contemplate the sacrifice you made for me on Good Friday, I pray that you will grant me the strength and grace to make my own sacrifice of praise to you. Help me to learn to thank and praise you through all the storms of life, even when it costs me something. Especially when it costs me something.  Amen.


Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.
 (Hebrews 13:15)

I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you;
I will praise your name, LORD, for it is good.
(Psalm 54:6)

No matter what.