Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I’m sorry it’s been so long since you’ve heard from me after the last couple of heavy posts.

I’ve been away from internet for a rather longish weekend.

(That was a good thing.)

We had a mini-family-vacay… the only one this year will all members of The Immediate present.

Even if it’s only a token vacation, I still think it’s important to go through the motions. To say, WE MATTER TO EACH OTHER… enough to take a few days off from work. To go somewhere special, even if it’s just an hour and a half away.

To set this (very brief) time apart for us to just be with us, away from distractions and diversions. And other people we know. And schedules and obligations and internet and work. (Of every kind.)

To rest.

And revel. (A bit.)

I had a magic moment.

They are very few and far between… rare and precious… these days.

To me, a magic moment is a sudden realization that, for that pinpoint of time, there is nothing left to want.

A moment where you feel completely full. Totally satisfied. Relaxed in an active way. A moment where you forget everything you worry about on a regular basis. A moment in which you live fully and gratefully, even while carrying an awareness that it will pass. But the acknowledgement of the transience of the moment only serves to make it more fulfilling and satisfying. A rare blessing… a glimpse of future bliss, where every single moment and millennium will be magical.

The moment came while strolling on a wharf with my husband and James.  The brilliant sunlight was warm and comforting, but an ice-tea cool breeze blew in off the sparkling water. For that moment…those few moments… all was well. Very, very, very well.

In T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” the narrator mourns that “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.”

I think our lives are measured in moments.


Lord, help me to be aware that each and every passing moment is precious. Help me to live more fully in all of my moments… magical or not.

How do you live "more in the moment?"


p.s. Thanks to those of you who responded to the last couple of intense posts with compassion. My goal was not to provoke sympathy, but to provide a clearer depiction of the new reality faced by those who have gone through injury or accident. I am sorry that I was not more aware before our family went though our "earthquake."

Katherine's response was to tell me that "I don't feel handicapped. I'm just grateful I get to go to the front of the line."

Sometimes, attitude is everything.


Anonymous said...

Wow--James is growing up!! He looks like such a little man now.

I love moments like that--they are literally a god send. I had one myself the other day. We are so lucky, even with all the earthly trials and tribulations.

I love reading your posts--very glad that you are still blogging and sharing your life with all of us.

Much love always!


Laurel said...


donna said...

i loved katherine's comment. her attitude and perspective are priceless. my immediate thought after your last post was that your group was likely the LEAST handicapped of all those you encountered on your trip. we are broken and selfish people-except for Jesus! i am pondering the capture the moment, seize the day idea you just shared. am wondering if we all just learn to embrace where we are and live it out for what it is would make us all more peaceful. this is a lifelong process for me. can't wait to hear how others are 'capturing.' thank you, thank you for writing and sharing...

Allison said...

James is growing up! Precious:) I had a moment like this the other day. I was walking up the stairs for the 500th time with a humongous laundry basket and I said to myself, "I love my life." It almost took my breath away. Did I really just say that to myself? But, it was a very tangible way to PRAISE the Lord. To thank Him for all of my blessings....the good, the bad and the ugly:)

My "earthquake" does not define me anymore, He does:)

P.S. I love Katherine's attitude. It truly inspires me on a daily basis!

Peggy Dabbs said...

Kim, I can really relate to your
"handicapped" trip. I cared for
my elderly mother for 15 years.
Many of these years she spent in
a wheel chair. It is mind boggling
to see how insensitive people can be. We have had doors slammed in our faces as we were trying to go out. Many times people just stood
and watched me struggle to open a
door and manage a wheel chair at
the same time. Getting in and out
of a car with a wheel chair and trying to help my mother while others just watched is another story. Oh well, sometimes it just
helps to vent doesn't it!

And, yes, I have also had moments that just overwhelmed me with joy!
Moments that were simple, but perfect. Moments that took my breath away!

Love sharing with you, and you with us!


Anonymous said...

Kim, I think you'll enjoy Ann Voskamp's post today on her blog "A Holy Experience".

Also, she challenges her readers to start making a list of all the things they are grateful for. Change your focus. I can't begin to tell you the difference it is making in my life. I believe it is helping me experience and cherish more of those "freeze frame" moments.

By the way, your Katherine is indeed special and I think you may have had something to do with that!

I'm not a to read though. Keep it up.

Sarah and Jonathan said...

Ms Arnold,
I just wanted to let you know I have been reading though your blog and enjoying so much! I know mom has seen you all recently in Athens, but it's been YEARS since I've see you all! Just know that I think of Kathrine and you all often and you are in our prayers! Also, thanks for the beautiful words of wisdom and encouragement through your blog. I've always treasured my own mother's advice and insights and it is more valuable than I can express to hear yours as well.
Hope you have a wonderful summer!
Sarah (Ashford) Lawson